I flew into Denver tonight. It was an uneventful flight, which suits me just fine. Sure, there was a little turbulence, but for once I wasn’t convinced that a wing was going to snap off and we were all going to plummet to our deaths. Not often, at least. Although it was dark when I arrived, I could still see the general shape of the airport, and I must say that I like it. Inside is nice too. I really like the whirligigs or whatever the heck they are that spin along as you ride the train between terminals.

What I did not like, however, was the stench. Cor, it smelled like a thousand horribly flatulent cows had exploded once you stepped outside of the main terminal building! Fortunately, the smell went away by the time I passed the Suncor refinery. Or was it just that the overwhelming smell of sulphur and petrochemicals overpowered the flatulent cows? This too passed, and by Pecos avenue, all that remained of the foul odors was the stench of what I must assume was an entire neighborhood or ruptured septic tanks. I don’t think I’ll be eating at the Black Angus I saw off to the right there . . . anyway, it was fresh and clean-smelling by Broomfield.

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