Sun! Glorious sun!
I’d like to lay out
and tan my bum!
But no, oh foo!
I’ve got work to do.

Still, Spring has come,
and with it,
so has the sun.

Snow-capped peaks
and fields of green,
a dappling of dew,
a pair of deer
doing something obscene!
Oh how I love
this schizophrenic time of year!

It felt good, the sun shining through the windscreen of my gas-guzzline BAT (Big-Ass-Truck). Amost made me forget I had to crawl down into my basement to spend the day typing away at my computer.

Birds do it
Bees to it
Japanese bark beetles do it.
Why can’t they all get rooms?

Does sponsoring a child in Colombia (i.e. sending money every month, not knocking up a Colombian and leaving her down there) offset the bad kharma I get from driving a gas-guzzling, environment-destroying monstrosity of an automobile? I hope so, because I need my BAT to haul lumber, haul trash, and haul my gas-guzzling, environment-destroying monstrosity of a ski boat. Oh, and to haul my fat arse to the gym every morning. I’d ride my bike, but I don’t want to tire myself out before I do my aerobic workout . . .

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