It’s Monday and I have two flatulent dogs at my feet. Yes, this is the good life. It could only get better if my kids were Morans.

Spring is here and I’ve been busy. My weed garden is coming along splendidly, and the boy-child has almost figured out what NOT to mow over. Speaking of boy children, his shoes fell apart this weekend. I’m not sure how, exactly, but he asked for his new shoes this morning. Apparently Jennie knew about this, but we chose to spend a lazy Sunday watching movies and swapping bunkbeds. So the boy is at school in shoes with no soles. Are we awesome parents, or what? Okay, don’t answer that.

So, five more days of school for the boy-child and eight more days of school for the girl-child. You’d think by now that they would have figured out to check for clothes sometime before it was time to head off for school. And you’d be wrong. To be fair, I haven’t suggested that they set out their clothes the night before for almost three days now, and usually only make the suggestion twice a week or so. Next year, when the girl-child is required to keep an organizer, is going to be so much fun! One more thing to frantically search for in the mornings.

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