I believe pharmacists and health-care providers have a right to make choices of conscience, or moral decisions, about the care they provide, regardless of the medical necessity of that care. I also believe that, as licensed professionals, they should make sure that all potential customers and patients are aware of the potential moral lambasting and lack of care that they will receive from said professionals. To that end, I propose the following signs be required anywhere that health care and services may be made unavailable due to moral objections:
“Attention (potential) customers: Your care here will be dictated by our moral judgement of you. Should you be found wanting, whether by your actions or our misinterpretation of your actions, we will not supply you with the care you want or need. Yours faithfully in closed mind(s), xxx.” (the “xxx” should be replaced by the names and phone numbers of each person who objects to supplying said care) The signs will be large enough to be easily read by all (potential) customers who pass by. In addition, on the off-chance that a customer may miss the sign, all greetings (phone or in-person) should begin with the wording from the sign. I think this will clear up a lot of confusion and hardship on both sides of the debate.

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