Bailey’s Close-up

The great thing about pets is that I’ve already spent my rebate check (or, if you want to be honest and use the Republican phrase for this sort of thing, my tax and spend check). Yay, me! What a brilliant idea. Bush has managed to destroy a once-thriving economy with a combination of pointless wars against non-aggressors and a series of tax cuts precisely for those who don’t need it. Now he is trying to revive things by giving us all token amounts of money, money borrowed from other countries, which means that ultimately it will cost us a lot more than it helps. Yay, acting-President Bush!

Anyway, the wife went out to look at a rescue horse yesterday and came home with a schnoodle puppy. What is a schnoodle? A schnauzer/poodle mix, of course. Sure, he’s cute, but he’s also just a puppy, which means more peeing, pooping and chewing in my house. Yay, house! I don’t know that five acres is big enough for all of our pets. And yes, I’ll put up a picture of the schnoodle and his green eyes eventually.

Right now I’ve got to pack, though. And confirm that my primary vote does not count, as it appears Idaho determines who gets all of the Democratic party delegates in its caucus, rendering my vote irrelevant. Yay, voting!

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