The season, barely begun, has unofficially ended. Fall is here, in fog and rain and a heavy coat of grey. The pool, infrequently used, is leaf-blown and much too cold to swim in. In a normal summer, if there is such a thing, we open in mid-May and close in mid-September. Our last good swim is on Labor day. Unless there is a sudden upswing in temperature, we will be hot-tubbing for Labor day. I missed the summer this year. Both weeks.

The kids did all the cool things I never did as a kid: Went on a cruise to Alaska with grandma, went to camp, lounged by the pool (on the few warm days) and played way too many video games. I wanted to go to camp as a kid, but never did. Now that I am older, camp has a weird association for me. I think not of kids run amok, but of those lovely camps that clipped off so much of my family tree on my father’s side during WWII. Makes sending the kids off to camp somewhat creepy. Fortunately, the focus these days seems to be on crafts and playing, not forced labour and finding new ways to kill people en masse.

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