Fundamentally Wrong

Attention G-DUB (Tard Sauce), Penis Cheney (Evil Sauce), Walnuts McCain (Apple Sauce), Bubba Clinton (Dick Sauce), Phil Gramm (Whine Sauce) and the rest of you assholes who forgot about the whole Great Depression and thought deregulation was a good idea: It’s the deregulation, stupids! Privatized profits, socialized losses. And yet, no social health care. Why […]

The Bush Effect

How sad. Back in 2001, The Onion provided us a look at 8 years of G-Dub, and yet there were still enough idiots voting for him the second time around to allow him to continue his reign of destruction. Thanks, idiots. Apparently democracy is not the answer if a majority of your population is easily […]

McCain/Palin Economic Stimulus

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Woo-hoo? Boo-hoo!

Great. It looks like my bank is going under fast, and the F.D.I.C. may not have the funds to cover our deposits without begging some from the Treasury. Is it time to stuff my mattress with money, or does it really matter at this point? At what point will we need a wheelbarrow full of […]

Break out the flip-flops

How exactly does McCain plan on rescuing the economy from a disaster he helped create? More hands-off policies, like the ones he championed for and that have led to our current problems? Or perhaps by letting Sarah “Economic Death” Palin run the show economically? Either way, we’re screwed. Since “conservative” now means spend rampantly and […]

Life is a state of mind

I still can’t decide; was Kosinski describing the W presidency, or the upcoming McSleasy presidency? “It’s for sure a white man’s world in America. Look here: I raised that boy since he was the size of a piss-ant. And I’ll say right now, he never learned to read and write. No, sir. Had no brains […]

Invisible Fist

It’s hard to take McCain seriously when he talks about reform and economic policy, especially in reference to the current housing and financial crises that we are facing. Is he unaware that these crises can be blamed almost completely on legislation sponsored in part by his former campaign co-chair and economic advisor, Phil Gramm? Phil […]

Taking the fun out of Fundamental

Oh goodie, a harshly worded memo. The Palin/McCain campaign attacks with lies and distortion and the Obama/Biden campaign issues a huffy memo. I feel good about our chances of having a President Obama now. Will Canada accept me as a political refugee yet? Eight years ago, the most important issue was which candidate we most […]

Crown Me

I have an atlas. It is 25 years old and a lot of countries have changed since then. Still, I’ve looked through it and know facts about such exciting places as Checkozlovakia, and the U.S.S.R.. I’ve seen pictures of the countries even! Isn’t it about time I get nominated for Vice President of the World? […]

With My Sincere Apologies to Anthony B

The McCain/Palin campaign has been taking a lot of heat for using Heart’s “Barracuda”. The honorable thing for them to do is quit using the song and find another. And lucky for them, I think I’ve found the perfect campaign song for the McCain/Palin ticket: Anthony B’s “Mr. heartless” Related Images: