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oliphant parts
On the off-chance that anyone actually looks at this -- I will no longer be updating my news section. Now that I have joined the popular kids and set up my own blog, I am going to put my news there. So there. Quit reading this, damn it! Oh, in case you didn't click on the link above, the new news is at <http://oliphantparts.org/blog/>
Okay, so I am a few days late in noticing this, but ubergeek just updated their Intellitoast animation. Oh what fun! Okay, it's a slow day for me.
Living in fear of prostate cancer? A few strokes a day keeps the doctor away, it appears! And I thought it was just good for putting hair on your palms and off your head. Okay, one last whack at this topic: No wonder I feel so old and tired . . . And now, back to the real world. But first, remember that the terrorists have won if we can no longer download mp3s off the internet!
I guess that's what I get for not paying attention to my backups -- I appear to have lost or overwritten some of my files. Okay, so I no longer have news from the past year. That would be a problem if anyone actually visited my site. So, a big thank you to the world for ignoring me and not exposing my stupidity!
Yay, I've found a new home for my sad little site!. After two years' service with abac/websolo, I have transferred to seanic.net. Seanic offers php, mysql, and a whole slew of features for less than the cheapest websolo account. And, they actually respond to support emails. Other than autorespond emails, the only response I got to my support questions from Websolo came after I cancelled service with them. So, on to bigger and better stuff.

Anything else?I dropped the frames stuff, and am slowly updating the whole look and feel. Nothing exciting, but what is these days?
Nothing new, really. I have decided to quit spending ten bucks a month on web hosting, and am moving this whole mess to cox.net. I only hope that I can transfer the domain name.

Anything else? Well, since this is the first update in seven months, maybe I will point out that I have moved, and am now a homeowner (in Humboldt County, no less). Life is filled with excitement -- I built a three bin composter this weekend, have the lumber to build a chicken coop, rebuilt a wheelbarrow, added another four feet of length to my desk, and should probably spend a lot more time in my 'serenity garden'.
Interestingly enough, I was approached by several people recently to write a series of childrens' stories. Let us disregard, for the moment, at least, that they were imaginary (both the stories and the people . . . which brings us to the question of whether anyone other than myself is actually real. No, I don't even want to think about that right now . . . I need someone to blame things on!). I thought it a splendid idea, quite capital really. SPLENDID. It does not get much more capital than that. Thus, Splice, the pig, was born. Splice in Chinatown. Splice goes Bowling. And my personal favorite, Down at the Slaughterhouse:  Splice's Last Stand. Available in fine bookstores near you (or perhaps on my site, if I ever finish writing the stories).

Since Lils keeps pestering me to finish Rainbow Bear, and Mr. Feczyk, the Cranky Rooster, it may be a while before I get to Splice. Sigh . . . anyway, today's updates are fairly minor. I have a new quote, and finally decided to post a piece on peace. I don't really like the peace piece, thinking that it is a piece of junk, but my notebooks are buried under too much junk, so it was all I had handy. If you don't like it, either send suggestions to improve it, or piss off. Dang, I am cranky this morning.
Tragedy has struck our household. In an attempt to brighten up the grasshoppers' home (Lils had two (grasshoppers, not homes)), Jennie brought home an ornamental cabbage. I suppose that it looks nice, in a way, now that it has killed both of Lil's grasshoppers. Services will be tomorrow at 9 a.m., PDT.

On a happier note, I've finally written a few new poems, essays, and other assorted pieces of garbage, one of which I posted. What else? -- Oh yes, we are now the proud parents of a sandfish (scincus scincus). And with that, I am going back to bed.
Did I mention that I have moved? No? I have moved. My commute, on those rare moments that I head into the office, is approximately one and a half hours. Fortunately, I rarely go to work.

What is new in this life? I like Santa Rosa much more than I do San Mateo -- much greener. My office is quite crowded; I share it with a (supposed) Madagascar red-sided skink, a sandfish (scincus scincus), two jewelled curlytails, one Bahamian curlytail, and a betta. Fortunately, they are generally fairly quiet. I have added a new section, entitled 'The Boy'. I will eventually follow up with, yes, 'The Girl'. In it are the first photos that I have scanned of the boy child.

As everyone else seems to have jumped on to the 'tragedy' bandwagon, I thought I would add my own ha' penny wieght in observations. The events of September 11 were undoubtedly a tragedy, albeit one that left me strangely unaffected. I lost no loved ones (nor casual acquaintances), knew no one who lost family, friends, or loved ones. Is it because I am one of the few Americans who lacks a television (okay, I have a television, just no satellite, cable, or standard broadcast reception)? I doubt it. I have read reports in the newspaper and on the internet. I am impressed by the incredible destruction, and by the dedication to what can only be described as evil, demonstrated by the terrorists. So far, the only deaths that have had an effect in my life, have been those of nonhumans. From my perspective, the greater tragedy is the way some of us have used this as an opportunity to reign terror on our own countrymen, whether they be of Middle Eastern descent, or just mistaken for being so. Oh well, it just proves my basic belief in life: 'People suck'. Some people seem to suck more than others. Anyway, back to Parts.
Wow. Six months of silence.  I've been busy, damn it!  Let's see, first, Phoenix Networks (my ISP) was bought out by Telocity (Boo! Hiss!), then NorthPoint Communications went under, leaving me with an ISP, but no lines to connect with.  So that, combined with moving once again, left me pretty much unable to update this damned thing.  Okay, that and my general laziness.  What else?  I decided I wasn't managerial material, and gave up my office for a cube (excellent move, I believe), and then arranged to work remotely, so I barely ever see my cube.  Next step:  Get paid for just thinking about working.

Nothing new yet, since I still haven't hooked up the scanner, and am not ready to go through the effort of copying all of my random scribblings onto the computer.  Just wanted to let the world (both of you) know that I'm still alive.  I will bow to pressure and put up pictures of the kids soon, I promise.
Nothing like the end of the year to bring about a flurry of activity.  I have three new rants or rambles, depending on your point of view, a much more stylish set of style sheets for Linux, and further improvements in my poetry scrolling method.  Some millenia, I just amaze myself.  And lest we forget, there is the updated introduction that pops off of the old one.
Other than my news section, I think that I have corrected brought my site back up to date (and then some).  There are a few new pictures, and I am trying a new scrolling mechanism for my poetry pages.  As we head into the new millenium, I think we should all look back and realize that it is time for a nap.
I've gone retro! Yes, after a terrible backup mishap (apparently, the delete key transfers files under wsftp rather than deleting them), I am back to my old site. Bear with me, anyone/everyone, while I try to figure out what I've done.  What else?  I am finally Netscape-compliant (for Mac, Linux, and Windows, that is).
Happy birthday, Christine!  I hope you're having fun -- as much fun as someone as ancient as you can have, that is.  ;)
Finally finished the bio, the poetry and the qotw section of this thing (for IE, anyway).  So, that leaves stories, links, and photography . . . I think.  Oh hell -- what will I do with my time then?  Either spend time with my family, or make my site Linux and Netscape - friendly.